Technology & Innovation magazine explores and celebrates new solutions for outstanding teaching and learning in an increasingly connected and digital world.
Technology has so much to offer the world of education – the possibilities are endless and exciting; but how are teachers supposed to tell the latest fad from the next best thing for long-term, sustainable improvement?
Technology & Innovation magazine exists to support everyone who works in schools as they navigate their way through an edtech landscape that seems to change by the day: highlighting developments; considering the evidence; testing the latest products, resources and pedagogical theories; and generally encouraging a creative, evidence-based approach to classroom practice and personal CPD.
Expert contributors put the latest edtech developments through their paces, weeding out flashy gimmicks and identifying real value for teaching and learning.
Great teachers are constantly looking to improve their practice, and Technology & Innovation offers a strong focus on supporting any educator to take their career to the next level.
A stylish portfolio of partner content formats allows organisations to speak directly to readers, explaining the story behind the sales pitch.
Our Tech for Teachers awards offer a chance for manufacturers and suppliers to shine a spotlight on their most effective and innovative products and resources for teaching and learning in Key Stages 3 and 4.
Technology & Innovation is designed to last; it's both a source of pedagogical inspiration and a buyers' guide that will be referred to time and time again throughout the academic year.
Each issue sees brilliant resources put through their paces by our independent reviewer, so readers can see how they work in real classrooms.
Technology & Innovation is sent, free of charge, to named individuals in every secondary school in England and Wales, as well as to an ever-increasing list of subscribers. A special edition is produced each year around the BETT show, seeing 1000's of copies distributed at the event.
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Advertising OpportunitiesWe are proud to list BAFTA, Durex, OCR, Walt Disney, OUP, Pearson, Capita, TTS, Book Trust, AQA, Lego Education, BP, Shell, Knex, YPO, YHA, Comic Relief, Bloomsbury, Hachette, Water Aid, Clevertouch, Harper Collins, CUP, WJEC, Alton Towers, Microsoft and GO Outdoors amongst the many brands with which we have connected.
Because every teacher must now be a teacher of, and through, technology, our features cover the entire curriculum - and our contributors are always experts in their field, with a deep understand of both industry developments, and classroom practice.
Mark Chambers is CEO of Naace and a former school leader and local authority school support service manager.
Terry Freedman is an independent educational ICT and computing consultant.
Rachel Jones is a Google Certified Teacher interested in creativity and innovation in the classroom.
Sal is a special needs journalist and author, with a particular interest in assistive technology.